One of the members of NSYNC have been going through hair treatment! Find out who it is at:
Do you love celebrities? This blog is created to inform you of all the news with reliable sources, pictures, and my own personal opinions. Enjoy!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Who Else Has Gone Pixi?
There seems to be a trend with short hairstyles especially the Pixi cut. Wonder who has gotten it? (I couldn't tell from the picture either) go to:
Catching Fire!
Okay so this isn't really news about celebrities, but the movie Catching Fire had celebs in it and it made news lines, so I shall speak of it!
I have seen this movie twice, since it was released in theaters on November, 22. Both times I had all my attention on the movie. I didn't think about anything else. Isn't that what movies are supposed to be? Needless to say I thought this movie was one of, if not, my all time favorite movie! It is definently the best movie of 2013.
I really enjoyed the acting! Everyone was perfect for their part. Especially Jennifer Lawerence, as Katniss. She really makes the character I read from the book come alive. Some other actors that I thought were just like how I perceived the characters in the book were Jenna Malone, Sam Claflin, Elizabeth Banks, and especially Donald Sutherland. He made me hate the character of President Snow. Also whoever played Mags was amazing because she made me feel emotions, even though she didn't speak a word the entire movie.
I thought this move was a huge step up from the first movie. Don't get me wrong I loved that one too but this one was so much better. It was way more intense! It was two hours long and for me it felt short!
I thought the arena looked amazing! They did an amazing job on the monkeys. The acting was also amazing because I felt for every single tribute. I loved how they paced everything, like the victory tour. I give this film a 9.9/10!
I have read all three books and all I can say is I can't wait to see what director Francis Lawrence does with the sense from Mockingjay. I honestly don't know how I'm gonna wait another year for the next film! Until then, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"
Celebrities People Too?!?! Who Would've Thought?!?!
We hold celebrities up on a pedestal. We think it would be amazing to be famous. Have you ever thought about the negatives celebrities go through? Having to read and hear about your imperfections every single day. Also having to compete with all other celebrities on a music level, but now also on a level of looks! Who would want this?
In a recent interview, Ellie Goulding talks about her body issues and anxiety. She says she only recently started having panic attacks. But, with the help of a therapist is getting over them.
I honestly don't care what any celeb looks like. I am interested in what they can do with their talents. Like Ellie for example, why do you care what she looks like? You hear her voice on the radio, or in concert,which is extraordinary. That is all that should ever matter with anyone! Look on the inside. To read the article go to:
Cold Weather= Celebrity Babies!
Read about all three pregnancies! In the comments tell me who you're most excited for!
Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman Picture and story:
David Arquette and Christina McLarty Picture and Story:
Evelyn Lozada and Carl Crawford Picture and Story:
Nelson Mandela R.I.P.
I know the last post was also about death but this is something that is not only celebrity news, but also world news.
Nelson Mandela, a civil war hero, died on Thursday, December 5. I honestly didn't know much about him except that he was a hero. I want you, my readers to know about him. Many people have been calling him a traitor and terrorist. To see how these accusations are wrong and see the reasons go to:
To learn about his extraordinary life visit:
Nelson was also known for his very inspirational quotes. Forbes made a list that you can read:
He may be, in my opinion, one of the most influential people in history. We have lost a very important person who has changed the world for the better. He was a natural born leader. One day I wish to make an impact on people's lives like he has done for years.
Paul Walker R.I.P.
Tragedy hit on November 20 for fans all over the world. It was announced that Paul walker had been involved and killed in a car crash. He was not the driver. The driver was, his friend, Roger Rodas.
This brings me to my first topic. Many people are angry, in a way, that no one really talked about Roger. I sorta look at this two different ways. First, I agree that people act like his death didn't have as much as importance as Paul's. It's almost like people forget he was even there and that he was also very important to his family and friends. On the other hand, he didn't affect as many people as Paul. You hear about pleanty people dying everyday but you don't really care because you don't know them. I don't understand why people are acting like this is different.
As a massive fan of the Fast and Furious movies he will be missed.
To read about the autopsy reports and learn a bit about Paul's life visit:
Picture courtesy of:
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Art or Freak Porn? *PG13*
Okay so Lady gaga released a video promoting her new album ARTPOP. In my opinion, I understand how this can be considered art, but it was too weird for me. I felt uncomfortable while watching it. I also didn't really get any kind of message or emotion from it. I felt like she was trying to be outrageous like she usually is.
At the beginning of her career, she would shock the world with her crazy "costumes." I feel like she has always been trying too hard to be the talk of the world. Well, I guess we're talking about her now, but that's beside the point. Seeing this video doesn't make me think she's outrageous or weird, it is just awkward. Some of the images in the video seemed to have nothing to do with the album. Why the sharp teeth? (If you interpret this video differently feel free to share your opinions in the comments!)
Now, I am not hating on Gaga, because I respect how much she does for her fans and her work ethics. Also, even though I don't like it, what she is doing is working. I mean, everybody knows her name and is one of the most followed people on Twitter. I am just "sick' of seeing the same things from her. To read what she had to say about the album go to .
Leonardo DiCaprio Saves Wilde Life! Victoria Beckham Saves People!
Leonardo DiCaprio has made a huge donation to help wild tigers! Three million dollars, in fact! To hear what he had to say and his reasons for donating, go to’s-3-million-christmas-present-tigers-966593
Seems like celebrities are in the giving spirit this season! Victoria Beckham donated a large amount of designer clothes and hats to the victims of the typhoon. I am glad to see celebs using their powers for good! To read the whole story go to
Following in the Family's Foot Steps
I don't really care about the Kardashians. But for my readers who do, here's a post for you. Kendall Jenner recently turned 18. She now released a photo, on her Instagram, showing her breasts. She has gotten a lot of hate saying she's just like her sisters. One of her sisters defended her on Twitter. What do you guys think? Is it okay because she's a model and 18? If it's not okay, tell me why. To find out what she said, see the picture, and read the full story go to .

Picture also from:
I was going to be done with Kendall, but then i saw another story about her in the headlines.She is rumored to be dating one of Taylor Swift's famous exes. Which one you ask, none other than Harry Styles. they where spotted going to dinner. Apparently Harry had just gotten to the U.S. before going to dinner with her. To watch a video and read an article go to:
This is going to bring me to a topic that I have been wanting to talk about for a while, celebrity relationships. I sorta get why they are fun to look into, seeing who is dating who can be interesting. I never understood why people go too far and obsess over them. They are just two people dating. There is never any reason why you should send death threats when you don't like the person your celeb crush is dating. They wont even notice or paying attention to you so don't waste your breath. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say a celebrity is theirs. The chances of your celebrity crush noticing you are 1 in a billion, so calm down! Most celebrity relationships do not usually last long so if you really hate it, just sit back and watch as their beautiful connection crumbles and ends.
Picture also from:
I was going to be done with Kendall, but then i saw another story about her in the headlines.She is rumored to be dating one of Taylor Swift's famous exes. Which one you ask, none other than Harry Styles. they where spotted going to dinner. Apparently Harry had just gotten to the U.S. before going to dinner with her. To watch a video and read an article go to:
This is going to bring me to a topic that I have been wanting to talk about for a while, celebrity relationships. I sorta get why they are fun to look into, seeing who is dating who can be interesting. I never understood why people go too far and obsess over them. They are just two people dating. There is never any reason why you should send death threats when you don't like the person your celeb crush is dating. They wont even notice or paying attention to you so don't waste your breath. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say a celebrity is theirs. The chances of your celebrity crush noticing you are 1 in a billion, so calm down! Most celebrity relationships do not usually last long so if you really hate it, just sit back and watch as their beautiful connection crumbles and ends.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I Told You So!
As you know, last week I posted a story about Chris Brown being discharged. In the post I said that he should not have been released. So now, what do you know he barely escaped jail time, and has been given another sentence for throwing a rock through his mother's window. To read more about his sentence and where this picture is from, go to .
Amanda Bynes, Recovered Enough to Go to Court
I have not been following Amanda Bynes very closely but when she makes big headlines I hear about it. I honestly can't tell if the reason for her craziness is drugs, an actual mental disorder, or she just wants attention. She has gotten in trouble for drinking and driving, throwing bongs outside of her apartment window, and not showing up for court. But if you don't know a couple months ago she went to rehab. While in rehab she was mentally unstable, so she could not attend any court cases for her past DUIs. Recently a judge deemed her mentally stable enough to stand in court.
At first, the things Amanda Bynes was doing were really funny. For example, when she would go to Twitter and harass celebrities, such as, Rihanna, Drake, Perez Hilton, and Jenny McMcarthy by calling them ugly and other names. I also thought it was funny when she first appeared in court in her ratty, nasty, white wig or when she would post pictures where she looked like she was on drugs or something. But then, she actually seemed crazy when she started getting in trouble for drugs and hit and runs.
I love to laugh at the things celebrities do, but if they actually have a real problem I wish they get the help they need. It's really crazy to see celebrities go on a downward spiral right in front of your eyes. For a gallery of Amanda over the years and the full story go to . To read about all the people she called ugly go to .
Picture from:
Miley's Eyebrows, WW3!
I honestly don't understand how or why this is news, but apparently to some people this is the point where Miley has gone too far. Recently, Cyrus decided to bleach her eyebrows to match the color of her hair. this has caused pandemonium over Twitter. In a previous blog post, which you should go read if you haven't, I gave my opinion about Miley and her haters. To read the full article, and see what some tweeters tweeted visit .

Picture Courtesy of:
Picture Courtesy of:
Friday, November 15, 2013
Chris Brown Released From Rehab? Watch Out!
First of all I'd like to say that I don't like Chris Brown at all. He is a woman abuser. He also obviously has issues, and I don't think he diserves to be released. But, of course, he did. They say he will continue his rehab outside of the facility. I don't think that will happen. I just want to know, when is he finally going to be sent to jail?
For the full story:,,20755947,00.html
Thursday, November 14, 2013
R.I.P. Lucy
The famous "I Love Lucy" star Shirley Mitchell passed away Monday. She was 90 years old! Her show was on in the 1950's and was a classic sitcom.
For the full story go to:
Talk About Getting Into Character!
While filming a scene for "Nightcrawler" Jake Gyllenhall was taken to the hospital! He got 32 stitches! To find out what happened visit:
Picture courtesy of:

Pray For Sophia!
So the famous Teen Mom star was on a show called "Bethenny." She was being interviewed about her decision to wax/ pluck her daughter, Sophia's, eyebrows. First of all, that is just wrong. The girl is only 4 years old!
When the people accused her of being a bad mother for doing it, she said she has gotten fan mail from girls wishing their moms would have done the same. I don't understand what's going through her head! She's a fame thirsty mess, that's trying to make a name for herself, even if it means exploiting her daughter and herself. I don't believe that. To make matters worse, she admitted to doing it while Sophia was asleep!
So much has gone wrong with Farrah. At first, she was normal. Later her career went down the drain when she got plastic surgery and made a porn. Next, she started flirting with Charlie Sheen over text message. They said they would meet eachother later. That is nasty. If I were to guess her future, I would say she's either going to overdose or end up in rehab.
I also wanna say, where are child services?!?! I'm surprised they haven't taken her kid away and taken her to jail! She really is a terrible role model and an even worse mother.
I really want to hear your opinions about this post, and all the others! Leave a comment and tell me if you thought this was right or wrong. If you like this or any of the other posts be sure to share them on Facebook and Twitter!
To watch a hilarious gif and the full interview:
To read the Charlie Sheen story:
To hear more wild Farrah stories and where I got the picture:
Old vs New! Joan vs Jennifer
This story is humorous to me. On Twitter, Joan Rivers called out Jennifer Lawerence for talking about her show "Fashion Police." She accused her of only criticizing the show for publicity. She also made fun of her Grammy fall.
Mariah Carey Truth About "American Idol"
Any American Idol fans out there? As you know in the most recent season, Mariah Carey was a judge that most were excited for. They were especially excited to watch her arguments with Nicki Minaj. Turns out she hated it.
Justin Bieber Disrespectful... Again.
So I thought to make a post about Justin Bieber getting caught coming out of a gentlemen's club. I was also going to write about a video taken of him by a "prostitute." Just as I was about to a new story came out.
This time, while his concert in Buenos Aires, his fans threw their flag on stage. Apparently, this was a huge sign of appreciation from them. Instead of holding it up and appreciating the gesture his fans made, he kicked and pushed the flag off with his microphone stand. This was taken as a huge sign of disrespect.
There is a YouTube video that shows this happening. There are many comments that show hate for his actions. But, like everything else Justin Bieber does, his fans are defending him and acting like he did no wrong to anyone. I don't understand how they accept everything he does. For example, one time he spit on his fans off a balcony! That's nasty, I don't care how much you love him. But of course, his fans said that those girls should be blessed.
I think everyone makes mistakes and you have to admit when you're wrong. Apparently, they don't think so.
Justin Bieber has changed a lot over the years. I know I defended Miley for changing, but Bieber is different. He has disrespected his fans and countries. He also has been recently caught illegally making graffiti. Although I don't really like him, I do respect his passion for music and his some-what loyalty to his fans.
YouTube video and article about flag:
Article about spitting on fans:
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Miley Smokes Weed, World Overreacts
This weekend the MTV European Music Awards took place in Amsterdam. There were many awards and performances by the top artists. One award was the Best Video Award. After Miley Cyrus was announced as the winner, she proceeded to smoke a joint on stage.
Like after everything Miley does, tons of people hated on her for this. First of all, this was completely legal, no one got hurt, and it got blurred out in America's broadcast of the EMAs. Yet, people continue to chastise her. Many people have been calling her a "bad role model" to younger audiences. The first thing I have to say is, this was on MTV. What did you expect? Next, it has been years since Hannah Montana ended and people still expect her to be the same 16 year old girl. Well, now she's 20. It should be okay for her to smoke or party and not cause an uproar. Think about yourself 5 or 6 years ago. Are you the exact same person? I don't think so. Lastly, c'mon people she's getting paid to be relevant and be a world sensation. It's not her job to be a role model for your children and teach them how to behave. That's where you the parent comes in. Whether you like her or not, Miley Cyrus is gonna continue to make headlines and take the world over by storm. She's also making more money and having more fun doing her job than you, so get over her.
Photo and story courtesy of:
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
My name is Juan Becerra. I am 15 years old, soon to be 16. I live in the amazing United States. To be honest, my life is not that interesting. So I thought, who lives an interesting life? That's right, celebrities!
I always hear people, whether it is on the news or even posts on Facebook and Twitter, talking about the crazy things celebrities are doing. Sometimes I agree, but other times I think it is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. I am very outspoken so, of course, I have an opinion that I want to share. This is the point of my blog. It is both informational mixed in with humor.
Lastly, I love to hear the thoughts and opinions of others. Don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think. Let's be respectful of others. This is going to be a fun pastime. I will be posting pleanty of posts weekly. If you really like the blog, you can put your email so you get an alert, from me, every time I post. If you enjoy a certain post, feel free to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.
You can follow me on Twitter @Juan708
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