Thursday, November 21, 2013

Following in the Family's Foot Steps

    I don't really care about the Kardashians. But for my readers who do, here's a post for you. Kendall Jenner recently turned 18. She now released a photo, on her Instagram, showing her breasts. She has gotten a lot of hate saying she's just like her sisters. One of her sisters defended her on Twitter. What do you guys think? Is it okay because she's a model and 18? If it's not okay, tell me why. To find out what she said, see the picture, and read the full story go to .
Kendall Jenner
Picture also from:
    I was going to be done with Kendall, but then i saw another story about her in the headlines.She is rumored to be dating one of Taylor Swift's famous exes. Which one you ask, none other than Harry Styles. they where spotted going to dinner. Apparently Harry had just gotten to the U.S. before going to dinner with her. To watch a video and read an article go to:
     This is going to bring me to a topic that I have been wanting to talk about for a while, celebrity relationships. I sorta get why they are fun to look into, seeing who is dating who can be interesting. I never understood why people go too far and obsess over them. They are just two people dating. There is never any reason why you should send death threats when you don't like the person your celeb crush is dating. They wont even notice or paying attention to you so don't waste your breath. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say a celebrity is theirs. The chances of your celebrity crush noticing you are 1 in a billion, so calm down! Most celebrity relationships do not usually last long so if you really hate it, just sit back and watch as their beautiful connection crumbles and ends.

1 comment:

  1. Gasp! Wow can't believe she'd do that. What publicity does to people. I'll be praying for her.
