Like after everything Miley does, tons of people hated on her for this. First of all, this was completely legal, no one got hurt, and it got blurred out in America's broadcast of the EMAs. Yet, people continue to chastise her. Many people have been calling her a "bad role model" to younger audiences. The first thing I have to say is, this was on MTV. What did you expect? Next, it has been years since Hannah Montana ended and people still expect her to be the same 16 year old girl. Well, now she's 20. It should be okay for her to smoke or party and not cause an uproar. Think about yourself 5 or 6 years ago. Are you the exact same person? I don't think so. Lastly, c'mon people she's getting paid to be relevant and be a world sensation. It's not her job to be a role model for your children and teach them how to behave. That's where you the parent comes in. Whether you like her or not, Miley Cyrus is gonna continue to make headlines and take the world over by storm. She's also making more money and having more fun doing her job than you, so get over her.
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Oh wow! She can't be stopped!