Friday, December 6, 2013

Celebrities People Too?!?! Who Would've Thought?!?!

    We hold celebrities up on a pedestal. We think it would be amazing to be famous. Have you ever thought about the negatives celebrities go through? Having to read and hear about your imperfections every single day. Also having to compete with all other celebrities on a music level, but now also on a level of looks! Who would want this?
    In a recent interview, Ellie Goulding talks about her body issues and anxiety. She says she only recently started having panic attacks. But, with the help of a therapist is getting over them. 
    I honestly don't care what any celeb looks like. I am interested in what they can do with their talents. Like Ellie for example, why do you care what she looks like? You hear her voice on the radio, or in concert,which is extraordinary. That is all that should ever matter with anyone! Look on the inside. To read the article go to:

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